Tuesday 1 December 2009

Panto Season

ok, so the picture isnt anything to do with panto, but its me on eastenders, so its acting related. (and me related, double whammie...what is a whammie...oh well)
this blog, as was pointed out to me by Ashlie, has been neglected by me for a while now. this was mainly due to self control of not bitching about mine and ashlies temporary falling out a little while back. we are friends again now, though i still feel a little wary from the reaction i got at the time, but times a healer as they say. im sure ash noticed by the fact i havent really called her or chatted much since we made up, but if not. im sure your reading this at some point.
so the panto season is upon us, my pantomime is actually this weekend, 4 shows over 3 days. Aladdin...or as close to it as our director decided to write, he loves to put his own twists in the stories he puts on the stage. i have the wonderful role of being the over the top camp guard Hollow, who seems the submissive of the two guards...interesting. first a tea serving robot, now a pink wearing sissy boy..yaaay. :P nah, its fun to be characters so unlike myself (ash, dont even think about it!)
ive started to make real progress on my Bregan: the last wolf, story. with a bit of luck it will be ready by summer and i might be able to get it looked at in pinewood if not hollywood itself!! i really hope this Trilogy gets made, not just to boost my career, but because i truly want to see the world of Gaialura, and all its creatures come to life in 3d on the big screen. especially the ancient monolith Titans that will appear in the 3rd film and the final demi-god vs demi-god battle at the end of the trilogy. not to mention the entire love story that rides through the 3 films. it should be one of the best film series to greet the world since star wars if it gets made the way i desire it to.
ive been on a tidying blitz recently, got my study sorted, and my bedroom is well on its way to cleanliness again. (woo i shall be close to godliness soon) and i just threw out some potatoes that had become a pool of goo in the cupbourd both myself and my housemate had neglected to open since july...pleasant sight and glorious smell. (thank the heavens for Oust!) oddly, Misto seemed to want to get close to the smell me and Kev recoiled from, but then, he is an odd cat who is quite happy to sleep at an odd angle just so he can sleep on my lap. ive been listening to Taylor Swift constantly recently. i really do love her songs, they are helping to push the love story in Bregan to new heights when i write it. i would lvoe to meet her someday. perhaps i can get her to write some songs for the film, or at least the end credits. then i might meet her and my film will have beautiful music! win win!
listening to Taylor Swifts "the best day" and watching her home made music video of her as a child really makes me smile and wonder what my little sisters will be like when they are bigger. Alice is getting so smart and Keira is...well, she still cant talk but she sure can move fast! they sure do grow up fast. i cant wait to spend christmas with my family and watch my sisters open their presents that Santa brought them. i hope i become a big brother they can be proud of, and look up to. i think i want that more than anything else.
anyway, im rambling on and its late and i need sleep. so, once more, until next time, i bid thee goodnight, and farewell. (and if any of you who read this are in kent near west malling, come along to the show this weekend)

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