Tuesday 1 June 2010


been a while since ive done a blog...been a long time since ive needed to vent. but i just broke my iphone, got an egg thrown at me from a moving car, failed to wake up to my alarm and had a shitty shitty day. so its time to vent me thinks.

no matter what i do, life is getting shitter by the second. the girl of my dreams is most likely never to be mine, my money is constantly in debt, i go hungry on a regular basis, due to the last note, and i hate my job and my acting still has gone no where!!

in the breaking of my iphone, i have lost my alarm, clock, phone, music,camera and mobile internet. so now i have to get it fixed using money i dont have. you know what...i want to rant in a funny way, but i just want to go punch a wall.